

The content of this website has been carefully prepared and reviewed. However, I do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided, or that it is up-to-date. Liability claims against paraglidingspots in respect of material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information offered or by inaccurate or incomplete information are in principle ruled out provided that there is no provable culpable intent or gross negligence on my part.


Where paraglidingspots provides direct or indirect references (links) to external websites, I am liable only if I have precise knowledge of the content and if it is technically possible and reasonable for me to prevent use in the event that they contain unlawful content.
The linked websites have no illegal content when the links were set up. I do not influence whatsoever the current and future design of the linked sites and hereby dissassociate from any alterations to the content that were made after the links to those sites were set up.
I can not be hold responsible for the content, availability, correctness or accuracy of the linked sites or of the offerings, links or advertisements therein. I am not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or in particular for damages arising from the use or non-use of the information provided on linked sites.


I endeavour to comply with applicable copyrights. If, in spite of this, an infringement of copyright should occur, after notification I will remove the relevant object from its publication or indicate the appropriate copyright. Please bear in mind that this is a non-profit website without advertisement or donation funding. I always try to mention the quoted sites / informations and link to them - to be as transpararent as possible. If you have any claims, please notify them to me and find an agreeable solution.
I hold sole copyright to my own content and for the paraglidingspots.com domain. Reproduction of graphics or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without my consent.

Data Protection

The database of paraglidingspots.com shows names, addresses, e-mail addresses and other personal data of pilots who generously shared their information with the public. If you have any claims, please notify and I will eliminate the referring data from my website.

Use of Data by paraglidingspots.com

The paraglidingspots database is non commercial. It is a collection of data from various internet sources like www.paraglidingearth.com, www.paragliding365.com, www.flyland.ch, www.dhv.de, travel reports, blogs and associations websites. Those data are available in the internet for non-commercial use and have been published voluntarily. Paraglidingspots is not a competitor of commercial data sources nor wants to be seen as illegal copier. My database is a supplementary summary of all useful and correct data. If you have claims about copyrights, do not call the lawyer but drop me an e-mail to solve the problem.

Use of paraglidingspots.com Data by Third Parties

The use for private purposes is the intent of this website. It is free of charge.
The distribution / reproduction of the complete database or parts in the internet or printed media needs to be expressively agreed with paraglidingspots.com.
Any full or partly commercial use, or use in iphone/Android Apps, is not permissible.